The gallery

Arnaud Adida, founder

New York 1996

Arnaud Adida has been work­ing for 11 years for photo agen­cies such as Gamma and Corbis, and for lead­ing mag­a­zines of the time such as VSD and Voici. He spent 6 years in the United States. In 1996, at Outline, it is the moment of the meet­ing with the American pho­tog­ra­phers. Considered and rec­og­nized as artists in the USA, they are only talked about in France as press pho­tog­ra­phers. Through his con­tact with David La Chapelle, Mark Seliger and oth­ers, Arnaud under­stood that these pho­tog­ra­phers were 360° artists, pub­lish­ing books and mount­ing large exhi­bi­tions with pres­ti­gious gal­leries. “These artists had cre­ated their own ecosys­tems, dis­play­ing their art in ads, book­stores, pri­vate venues and gal­leries”, says Arnaud Adida. Translated with (free ver­sion) In April 2000, the deci­sion is made, it will be the begin­ning of A. Galerie (Act 2) with Mark Seliger in the spotlight. 

Paris, 2023

23 years and many exhi­bi­tions later, the pas­sion is intact. “The sen­su­al­ity of pho­tog­ra­phy, those prints that I had in my hands when I was work­ing in mag­a­zines and that I dis­cov­ered after­wards in print, gave me an intense emo­tion. This is still the case 36 years later… ” In 2010, A. Galerie is a fore­run­ner in the field of People pho­tog­ra­phy, exhibit­ing great artists such as Albert Watson, Patrick Demarchelier, Mark Seliger, Rankin, Steve Schapiro, Ron Galella and many oth­ers… The mar­ket is grow­ing, pho­tog­ra­phy is enter­ing the salons and is dis­played as an art form in its own right. A. Galerie, which has already been in exis­tence for 15 years, is surf­ing on this move­ment, exhibit­ing inter­na­tional artists and devel­op­ing a clien­tele from all over the world. Success is often there, some­times not! The risk is part of the DNA of A. Galerie but always with this irre­press­ible plea­sure to make dis­cover. The artists of the begin­nings, of course, (Albert Watson, Patrick Demarchelier, Mark Seliger, Rankin, Steve Schapiro, Ron Galella, Elliott Erwitt, Jeff Divine, Donald Graham, Jimmy Nelson… ), but also those of other pho­to­graphic uni­verses such as ani­mal (David Yarrow, Nick Brandt, Kyriakos Kaziras), land­scape (David Zimmerman, Ellie Davies, Beth Moon), con­cep­tual (Bruno Aveillan, Floto+Warner) but also young artists such as François Fontaine, Jennifer Westjohn, David Servan-​Schreiber (painter), Alessandro Vasapolli and Ronald Martinez, all rep­re­sented, accord­ing to the audac­ity and curios­ity of A. Gallery. Today we pass in front of the gallery, we stop or not, we enter or not, but if you meet Arnaud in a day of curios­ity with a desire to dis­cover or redis­cover the world of pho­tog­ra­phy, then you will not regret it because time flies with the feet on the table while shar­ing a good glass of wine! 

Arnaud Adida, founder