Privacy Policy

IP addresses

When you visit the A. Galerie web­site, we save your IP address. This address is checked against data­bases of pub­lic and pro­pri­etary IP addresses to pro­vide us with infor­ma­tion about your visit. This infor­ma­tion can iden­tify the orga­ni­za­tion to which the IP address is attached but not the indi­vid­u­als. In some cases of sole pro­pri­etor­ships, it is pos­si­ble to iden­tify per­sonal data from pub­licly avail­able ICANN data.

Cookies and tracking

Cookies allow us to pro­vide impor­tant func­tion­al­ity on the site and to remem­ber which links and pages have been vis­ited dur­ing a ses­sion. Updating your browser set­tings allows you to main­tain con­trol of the cook­ies we store and access to your com­puter. Our cookie pol­icy can be accessed here.

Communications by email

By enter­ing your email address via our reg­is­tra­tion forms, you agree to receive the infor­ma­tion requested, as well as to allow us to send you appro­pri­ate and use­ful com­mu­ni­ca­tions. This includes, but is not lim­ited to, invi­ta­tions to our events and webi­nars, our lat­est news and pub­li­ca­tions. You can update your pref­er­ences at any time via the link in one of our emails.

Data usage

From October 15, 2021, all data col­lected by A. Galerie is stored in accor­dance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). All rea­son­able pre­cau­tions are taken to pre­vent unau­tho­rized access to this information.

Disclosure of information

A. Galerie will not dis­close any per­sonal infor­ma­tion obtained from this site, or through our deal­ings with its vis­i­tors, to third par­ties. If we wish to dis­close infor­ma­tion col­lected on this site to a third party in the future, we will always ask for your con­sent before doing so. We may occa­sion­ally pro­vide infor­ma­tion of a gen­eral nature to third par­ties – for exam­ple, the num­ber of peo­ple vis­it­ing our web­site or com­plet­ing a reg­is­tra­tion form, but we will not use any infor­ma­tion that could iden­tify these people.

Requests for access to information

If you wish to access the data we hold about you, please con­tact us. Requests for access to infor­ma­tion are free of charge and the infor­ma­tion requested will be made avail­able to you within a max­i­mum period of one month.

Data retention

A. Galerie keeps the data of its vis­i­tors for a max­i­mum of 7 years.

Data rectification

If you wish to rec­tify the data we hold about you, please con­tact us. You will receive con­fir­ma­tion that your data has been rec­ti­fied within a max­i­mum period of one month.

Data deletion

If you want us to erase the data we hold about you, please con­tact us. You will receive con­fir­ma­tion that your data has been deleted within a max­i­mum period of one month.

Data restrictions

If you want us to limit or delete the data we hold about you, please con­tact us. You will receive con­fir­ma­tion that we have restricted or deleted your data within a max­i­mum of one month.

The right to object

If you wish to object to the pro­cess­ing of your data, please con­tact us. You will receive con­fir­ma­tion that we have stopped pro­cess­ing your data within a max­i­mum period of one month.

Automated decision making and profiling

A. Gallery does not con­duct auto­mated deci­sion mak­ing or profiling.

Changes to this policy

Any changes to our Privacy Policy will be addressed here and will super­sede the cur­rent ver­sion. We will take rea­son­able steps to bring changes to our pol­icy to your atten­tion.

Contact us

If you have any ques­tions regard­ing our pri­vacy pol­icy, please con­tact us.