Ellie Davies

From 26 November 2024 to 11 January 2025

“Into The Woods”

Ellie Davies is an English pho­tog­ra­pher born in 1976. She lives in Dorset, on the south coast of England. For almost 20 years, she has worked exclu­sively in the woods and forests of south­ern England. 

For her, the for­est holds a very spe­cial place in the col­lec­tive uncon­scious: a reminder of child­hood walks, nature and its smells in the under­growth that we remem­ber, the fairy tales of our child­hood, Le Petit Poucet… We all have a ten­u­ous rela­tion­ship with the for­est, the tree, the wood.

Ellie Davies’ pho­tographs take you by the hand and lead you into the midst of trees, in dif­fer­ent ways, year after year, accord­ing to the con­cept of each of her series.

She received her MA in Photography from the London College of Communication and has won sev­eral pho­tog­ra­phy awards. A new mono­graph of her work cov­er­ing the last 10 years was pub­lished in July 2023 by Crane Kalman Brighton Gallery and A.Galerie Paris. The book “Into The Woods” is avail­able at the gallery.

She is asso­ci­ated with “Demain, La Foret” — a major tree plant­ing project in the Loire, France.

Her exhi­bi­tion “Into the Woods” will run at A.galerie from 26 November 2024 to 11 January 2025.
