
Site editor

A. Galerie 4 rue Léonce Reynaud, 75116 Paris +33 (0)6 20 85 85 85 Mail : contact@a‑

Site editor

Arnaud Adida



Design & development

Monsieur T


Emails sent to A. Galerie through the site are only kept for the dura­tion of their pro­cess­ing. The right of access and rec­ti­fi­ca­tion can be exer­cised at the address contact@a‑

Management of personal data

The col­lec­tion of per­sonal data is only part of the man­age­ment of files that users of the site could entrust to A. Galerie, which under­takes to pre­serve the con­fi­den­tial­ity of this data and to ask these users for their con­sent when pro­cess­ing of their per­sonal data. These users can exer­cise their right of access to the data con­cern­ing them and have them rec­ti­fied by con­tact­ing: contact@a‑

Terms of Service

The pur­pose of these gen­eral con­di­tions of use is to define the terms and con­di­tions of use by the user of the site a‑

These gen­eral con­di­tions of use gov­ern all rela­tions between A. Galerie and the Users of the site.

Any per­son hav­ing access to the site a‑ must, prior to any con­sul­ta­tion of the infor­ma­tion appear­ing on the site, read these gen­eral con­di­tions of use.

The mere use of this site there­fore implies accep­tance by the User of the terms of these gen­eral con­di­tions of use.

The Site as well as all the ele­ments con­sti­tut­ing its struc­ture and its con­tent (texts, infor­ma­tion, analy­ses, images, graph­ics, etc.) are sub­ject to French and inter­na­tional leg­is­la­tion on copy­right and intel­lec­tual property.

These gen­eral con­di­tions of use are sub­ject to French law, regard­less of the place of use.