
There are two types of cook­ies, per­ma­nent and tem­po­rary (ses­sion cook­ies). Permanent cook­ies are stored as a file on your com­puter or mobile device for a period not exceed­ing 12 months. Session cook­ies are stored tem­porar­ily and dis­ap­pear as soon as you close your brows­ing session.

You can eas­ily erase cook­ies from your com­puter or mobile device using your browser. To con­sult the instruc­tions relat­ing to the man­age­ment and dele­tion of cook­ies, please refer to the help sec­tion of your browser. Depending on your pref­er­ences, you can dis­able cook­ies or ask to be noti­fied each time a new cookie is sent to your com­puter or mobile device. Please note that if you dis­able cook­ies, you will no longer be able to take advan­tage of all the features.

Third-​party cookies

We use third-​party cook­ies to col­lect sta­tis­tics in aggre­gate form in analy­sis tools such as Google Analytics. These cook­ies can be per­ma­nent or tem­po­rary (ses­sion cook­ies). Permanent cook­ies are stored on your com­puter or mobile device for a period not exceed­ing 24 months.