Alessandro Vasapolli & Ronald Martinez

From 23rd September to 19th November 2022

Esquisses photographiques

Always on the look­out for inno­v­a­tive tal­ent, the pho­tog­ra­phy gallery A. Galerie has decided to focus on two artists whose work is res­olutely inspired by paint­ing, Alessandro Vasapolli & Ronald Martinez, for its exhi­bi­tion “Esquisses photographiques”.

Whether in Dance Notes or Divine Nudes, Alessandro Vasapolli and Ronald Martinez have suc­ceeded in devel­op­ing a pho­to­graphic tech­nique, a mas­tery of print­ing and a taste for fram­ing that make their pho­to­graphic works exceptional.

Alessandro Vasapolli’s Dance Notes is a pho­to­graphic exper­i­ment in bal­let where each series becomes more and more abstract to the point of total abstrac­tion: the move­ment of the dancer through a sin­gle line.

Nus Divins by Ronald Martinez is a tech­ni­cal work, repli­cat­ing paint­ing, based on a metic­u­lous con­trol of light and a stag­ing of bod­ies inspired by paint­ings of the past.
